Attention Animal Lovers

CCM’s ‘Wine for Wildlife’ event on Friday, June 23rd, from 5-6:30pm does not mean we’re serving chardonnay to squirrels. Although, admittedly, that might be fun to watch.

Wine for Wildlife means we’re hosting a wine mixer that includes dinner plus appetizers plus lots of desserts with a live 3-piece jazz combo—to benefit the North Florida Wildlife Center. NFWC is a non-profit dedicated to wildlife conservation through educational outreach, propagation of rare and endangered species, and habitat restoration.

This is not your run-of-the-mill wine mixer. We’ve invited three vendors: DiBacco Importing, Elite Worldwide and Southern Glazers to pour free samples of whites, reds and sparklers.

For appetizers, CCM’s Riku Sushi will be on hand to offer sushi samples. Sweet Grass Dairy and Phil’s Pickle Dip will also join the party.

For dinner, CCM’s Chef Luis will be making pulled pork sandwiches and sides. Our vegan option will be pulled jackfruit sliders.

For dessert we’ll have cheesecakes and cake from TC Bakery, amazing flavors from Pudding Junkie, and a new-to-Tally vegan dessert baker: Sweet Abayomi who creates vegan cakes and cookies.

An Animal Ambassador from NFWC will also be on hand with a live, blue-tongued skink. Fun fact: The lizard’s blue tongue is believed to be a form of mimicry meant to convince potential threats that the skink is full of toxic chemicals. (It isn’t.)

Tickets are on sale now in-store or on our website.

I hope to see you next Friday!