Hassle-Free Shopping

Anyone who’s lived here in Tallahassee for very long tells the same tale: the transient population spiked with the pandemic.

The reasons vary depending on who you ask. Some say homeless in California were encouraged to relocate to Florida. There are also rumors of politicians taking one side or the other on the issue just for votes.

None of that really interests me. As someone who is new to this city, my only concern is the safety and comfort of our customers and staff. We want your shopping experience to be hassle-free and safe.

To that end, I met with two representatives of the TPD Community Relations Unit recently. We came up with plan to reduce solicitation in our parking lot.

Here’s how you can help:

  1. If you are approached for a handout in the parking lot or on your way to the store, please report the incident to the customer service staff. It’s the same message when you’re in an airport: If you see something, say something.

  2. Please don’t give money to strangers, because—let’s face it—odds are the money you give them will not be spent on food. Better to donate to the Big Bend Homeless Coalition. www.bigbendhc.org

The co-op is taking a number of steps to secure the area, too. Among them are removing the tables and chairs from the front of the store. There’s plenty of room for you to enjoy your lunch or Sunday brunch in our seating area. We’re also cleaning up the perimeter of the store and planning to add lighting in areas that need it at night.

Thank you for your patience as we make improvements.

In cooperation,

Troy Bond

Community Co-op Market CEO