Why Am I Fifth?

As CEO, I can run all kinds of reports about shopping patterns at the co-op. What was the average transaction amount last week? I can tell you. How many TC Bakery cheesecakes did we sell on a Tuesday? I’m accurate down to the slice.

But the most intriguing report is how much CCM members spend each month. Out of all of the 2,400 CCM members,somehow I am—on average—the fifth highest spender in any given month. And I wonder, how on earth can that be true?! Month after month, why am I fifth?!

I’m only buying for me, my daughter and a cat—who might be a bit overweight but he’s not a glutton. Granted, I make the co-op my primary place to shop, but still…fifth highest? Really?

Then I realized the problem: not enough co-op members are making CCM their primary grocery shopping destination. That scares me because as we move into the summer, grocery sales traditionally slow down, with school out and vacations to go on.

The CCM staff works diligently to make your co-op a full-service grocery and your primary destination. We’re adding more local products, increased our fresh lunch options (think sushi!) and have created the best organic produce department in town. But the co-op can’t realize its potential if the majority of members shop elsewhere.

Here’s what you can do to help this summer: make a few more trips each month to the co-op. Swing by for a smoothie. Take advantage of Bulk Up Wednesdays. Read through the weekly sales flyer and stock up on discount items.

That’s how CCM will thrive and grow. With more members making more trips, we can make it through the summer months and ramp up for fall and a fun holiday season.

Thank you for your ongoing support,

Troy Bond
Community Co-op Market CEO