Wellness Can Be Plastic-Free

Ready for a disheartening statistic? Only 5% of plastic that we actually put in recycle bins is ever recycled. Another worrisome fact: even the plastic that is recycled cannot be recycled indefinitely, like aluminum or glass. Plastic breaks down quickly when processed a second time which means the life of a gallon jug, for example, is short before it ends up in a landfill… or contributing to a trash mountain in a developing country… or forming its own land mass floating in the ocean. So, we may think we are doing a good thing by separating our recyclables, but it amounts to nothing more than ‘eco theater’.

At CCM however, we can do our part to reduce plastic in our lives. In addition to frequenting our bulk department, there are a multitude of options in Wellness that didn’t exist before. I switched to bar shampoo and bar conditioner a few years ago, and never looked back. Both products work just as well as liquid, and I’m not tripping over an assortment of plastic bottles on the shower floor. CCM carries shampoo and conditioner in solid form with brands like Hi Bar, Sun Leaf, JR Liggett’s and Acure, to name a few.

If you haven’t already, please consider trading the convenience of liquid body soap for bars. Marian, our Wellness Manager, has refined the selection over the years to the best quality soaps. It’s more than just Dr. Bronner’s these days. We carry Zum, Sappo Hill, Serenity Acres Far (local!), South of France and Nubian Heritage, to name just a few.

If you have a favorite soap or hair care product that comes in plastic-free packaging and we don’t carry it, please email me tbond@ccmgrocery.coop.

In cooperation,

Troy Bond
Community Co-op Market CEO